Softlogic provides a number of accessories for fans and blowers, which is highly popular in Australia. Some of our high in demand accessories include the following:
- Noise Attenuators - Noise attenuators help reduce the noise and in places where you are required to meet certain noise criteria.
- Mesh Safety Guards - These guards are used to protect the blades of the fan and also where no ducting is connected.
- Air filters - Air filters clear impurities in the air to supply clean air.
- Inlet Box - Using inlet box, elbows on the fan inlets can be reduced.
- Damper and Variable Inlet Vane assemblies - It is designed to control the performance of the fan either manually or mechanically.
- Anti-Vibration Mounts and Flexible Connections - These are used to reduce the transmission of vibration to ducts and structures.

- Evase - It improves the performance of the fan by reducing the velocity of the fan discharge.
- Split Casing - It is used for easy maintenance and for easy removal of shaft and impeller.
- Casing lagging and cladding - It is used for high temperature applications and acoustic.
- Shaft seals - These are used for sealing either for reducing noise or for containment of gas.
- Anti Spark Construction - Used at places where high security is needed for dust, flammable gases and explosives.